Return to Belle Isle Advisory Committee
Live reporting by Karen Dybis
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Board discuss status of park repairs, upgrades and programs.

Karen Dybis @KarenDybis
Hello #Detroit ! I’ll be live-tweeting the Belle Isle Advisory Committee meeting at 9 a.m. today for #DETdocumenters. Follow below!

@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @Detour_Detroit @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @DetDocumenters

07:57 AM Oct 20, 2022 CDT

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The Belle Isle Park Advisory Committee advises the state on implementation of improvements, master planning and public safety for Belle Isle Park. Today's meeting is online via Teams.…
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Here's is today's agenda--a few updates on vendors and an overall update on what's been happening on the Island over the past two months. I'm imagining some conversation around the slide as well.…
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We are waiting for the meeting to start. It appears there is not a quorum yet.
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My audio went out but it is back now. Ron Olson is giving his update now: The zoo may need some demo on some buildings. The boat house is a challenging project along with the fountain; he says the boat house project needs a big-picture analysis to know how to plan out.
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Olson: Aquarium also is on the big list of items that need long-term discussion. "While we made good strides, there's a lot more to be done," he says. There are sizable needs for many of these buildings. Amanda's report will give more detail.
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Michelle Hodges: She knows people are frustrated that the fountain isn't running, but there are plans to address that and the other issues across the island.
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Next update comes from Karis Floyd. Education programs are moving over to Grayhaven boat marina; boat house also will use that facility for some limited storage. Booth houses will run longer, not shutting down after Labor Day. They hired new staff that will help run these areas.
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Floyd: The park hired three new rangers; total of 11 on staff. Now able to do some wintertime projects thanks to having more people; better able to help people and secure the park. "We're in good shape." NBC is doing a show at Sunset Point Friday; showcasing downtown and BI.
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Floyd: Wintertime is now in process, getting buildings ready. Some areas are year-around use, including the casino and the bus stop. There will be notices put up so people know when buildings will start closing (including the bathrooms).
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Next update is from Joel Thomas: Winter means behind-the-scenes stuff, like building picnic tables and such. But there is a staff there and they are available, he says.
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Next up is the law update, presented by Lt. Lance Couturier, MSP: Everything's been pretty quiet with the cooler weather; looking forward to the winter and springtime excitement, he says.
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Next update is from Amanda Treadwell, Urban Field Planner. The boat house is first--the DNR received the final report from WTEA Architects and the structural engineer, which lays out recommendations to stabilize the building and give restricted access while under construction.
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Treadwell: A big issue is deferred maintenance on some buildings, and that means addressing roof issues. That is the bulk of the issues around the boat house; some sections have to be removed because they're not in good condition and aren't watertight. DNR is looking for funding.
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Treadwell: Boathouse and Scott Fountain are two key buildings that need a lot of work; they're looking at all of the priorities now and developing a strategy to fund those. Good news: Boat house has a path forward and they'll give updates as they go.
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Treadwell: Some trees are being planted in the flatwoods; the new Oakway trail is looking good--it formerly was a roadway and it is progressing. Regarding the multi-mobility study, they're still in progress and it should be toward completion in 2023.
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Treadwell: Conservatory closure to start in mid-November and will continue through May 2024. The gardens will close for winter and reopen in the spring of 2023. There will be a lot of work done inside, and the gardens will hold some of the equipment needed to fix the interior.
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Treadwell: Scaffolding will be needed inside and outside to work on the dom. There will be a temporary floor at the base of the doom to provide space for the abatement work and the planting beds.
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Treadwell: There is lots of work done on Shelter No. 12, which included carpentry repairs of supports and gables. Roof repair also is done and there is new decking. It will be repainted. "It looks really nice," she says. "I think it will be a hot spot for the 2023 picnic season."
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Treadwell: The Driker Trail bid documents are being finalized; construction is expected on the stone path in December or January. Wilson Trail phase two geotechnical surveys were completed this week.
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Treadwell: Utility improvements are ongoing at the fountain. Bulkheads also are being installed soon under the basin to secure its open spaces. There also is a need to address the structural decking at the base of the fountain; they need funding to address those areas.
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Up next: Ayo Thomas, Engagement Associate, Belle Isle Conservancy: Although the island is in its wintertime slumber, there are lots of events and things going on across the island. Museums are still open, including the Dossin.
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Onto public comment--Michele Hodges says there are no hands up in the meeting (after waiting several minutes), so she is closing the meeting at 10:40. She gave out her email as well if anyone wants to reach out to her personally.
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For more meeting coverage, check out
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