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Live reporting by Marvetta Rutherford
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Overcrowding at Newcomers Academy, public commenter says

Denise A@cleDocumenter @CleDocuDenise
Greetings #Cleveland today I have the honor of covering the @cmsd school district Meeting today starting at 630! Grab a snack and your favorite drink
#TellYourFriends #cledocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland sent me !

05:20 PM May 21, 2024 CDT

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The room is extra full with students who are being recognized for their excellence this year
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As the board readies themselves.. the people in the room are hyped
Roll call
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CEO report is first on the agenda tonight
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These are the students and board members!
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Individual pictures will be added to the end of the Meeting
Back to the business at hand
In climate weather guidelines are being discussed by the ceo
And Karen Thompson
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This is the why for the issues of closing
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Alerts are sent out
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Panel construction
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How the process works!
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29 schools do not have backup generators
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11 school buildings have no air conditioning
The phases should be done by July
They have partners in different cities in Ohio, Indiana and Baltimore
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Sara Elaqad asked about the situation with schools that are older and don't have air conditioning
This process has been in place since 2003
More proactive maintenance measures are in place now
CEO supports this and expressed gratitude
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Public comments are next via online requests
Lisa Riley is first
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Her concern is the Teacher Assistant and the salary
She expressed her frustration with the situation.
She cited various ways to make the situation better.
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This woman has been in all the meetings this year and she spoke about traveling with the students
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This special needs teacher is upset about the suicide rates of her peers. She has been working here 23 years
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She was excited when the ceo was hired.. she encouraged him to visit the chair of the school
She is an intervention specialist aka special education
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Donice Harris is next .. she asked for help with her situation with her interactions with parents and staff on the grading policy... the grade of I aka F
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Counselors need input on the scheduling process
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This is a music teacher at the Newcomers school. They have a problem with overcrowding
K-12 they have over 900 students right now
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Shutting down computer rooms is the current idea
There are autistic children who are affected
She also has safety and security plans.
Her concerns are about the lack of sunlight
The idea of 49 students in a room....
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19 resolutions are being adopted
Building improvement is first
CEO Morgan gave his report on a bond and taxes that they plan to replace an expiring bond in place
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Morgan reflected on his first year after covid
He has 5 year goals
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5 years financial assumptions
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This lack of funding has been a challenge for the district.
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During the discussion
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Revised forecast has increased wages and money in the black
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In 26-27 the district will be in debt to the tune of 100 million dollars
Morgan spoke about the future of the district
This is the levy and bond asks
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This will be on the ballot in November.
Elaqad supports this
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Resolution passed
Next up
Athletic issues
Resolution passed
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Grant money from a LLC
Motion passed
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More resolutions are passed regarding text books and other supplies
Motion passed on these 4 items
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Supplements to the resolutions are not clear on the screen
This is for 12 items for employees and administrative expenses
Substitute Teachers etc
Motion passed
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New business is the Cleveland Public librar and the appointment of a board member deadline is in June!
Board members are in executive session
After the recess the board put forth a motion not to renew a contract for School Based Administrators
Motion passed
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With this the Meeting was adjourned!
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As promised, here's some of the graduates who were honored:
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Until the next time, blessings in Abundance to you #Cleveland
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to
I love you to life!