Board of Police Commissioners

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners
Criminal Justice

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024
3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. EDT

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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Autumn Jackson-Hines

The board honored outgoing Police Chief James White, who was recently hired as the new CEO of the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network. A national search for a new police chief begins this week.

Live reporting by Meghan Rutigliano

The board honored outgoing Police Chief James White, who was recently hired as the new CEO of the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network. A national search for a new police chief begins this week.

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The public is invited to attend in person, via Zoom or via phone. The in person meeting is taking place in person at Detroit Public Safety Headquarters 1301 Third St., Detroit, Michigan 48226 Skylar Herbert Room.
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For Zoom and phone instructions and to view the agenda, visit……
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There will be time allotted for public comment. Please use the following link to sign up for public comments: (Limit Comments to Two Minutes)……
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IMPORTANT: If you believe anything in the coverage today is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
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I anticipate that there will be much fanfare about Chief of Police James White’s transition out of his current role. White was recently named the new CEO of DWIHN ().……
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I did a bit of research into what happens when a police chief steps down. The next step is that Mayor Duggan will appoint an interim police chief.
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Then, according to the Detroit City Charter, The Board of Police Commissioners is responsible for conducting a search and generating a list of candidates. Then, Mayor Duggan will make a selection, which then moves to City Council, where a majority vote will be required.
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I don’t see anything about this process listed on today's agenda but I’ll be keeping an ear out for any mention about next steps.
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Sounds like they're assembling. Chaplain Bennett is standing by! Oh yeah, and you can also watch this on Channel 21. My view is from the Zoom.
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Called to order 3:03pm. Invocation.
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No quorum yet. Secretary of Board report. Nov 7 @ 3pm, Nov 14 (Community Butzel Rec Center @ 6pm), Nov 21 @ 3pm Roll Call. Quorum reached. Agenda approved. Minutes approved.
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Resolution Honoring Chiefof Police James E. White
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Passed. Bernard is wishing him the best, good health for him and his family, thanks for lifelong contributions to state of MI and City of Detroit. She's really honoring him big time for his leadership, orderliness, & precision. Gives her personal and professional support.♥️
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Aw. Hernandez is telling him that he's a better professional because of Chief James White. Pressley says he's kept city residents in his heart at the core. Excited to see what he does next!
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He's saying "Thank You" and he appreciates the board for understanding him, appreciates the unions for their hard fighting for their members. He's giving his report now. Talking stats.
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Pressley is asking White how the department is doing. White says it has been a rough time over past two weeks.
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They're talking about the Officer Involved Shooting: and the ways in which the DPD is addressing the tragedy.……
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Pressley is asking what comms are going out to officers about how to address concerns with residents? How are the officers interacting with citizens? James White is saying body cam usage compliance is 100%.
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(Context for the previous line being that officers are stressed about what happened, want to make sure they are addressing mental health concerns and reducing resident complaints)
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They're talking about the Officer dying through suicide while on duty. Bernard and White are discussing. Wants him to be honored. They'll take the rest of the conversation offline.
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‼️‼️‼️They just mentioned that they will announce the interim Chief role on Friday!
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Public comment....
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"Your policies have no teeth at all". Resident of Detroit calls for the police to look at themselves.
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"Wake up sleeping giants". Female commenter says the BOPC is not taking their job seriously. She's calling out Burton for being argumentative with the chair. Says they disrespect the role.
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Male public commenter says he is happy to see the chief leave. Says they are NOT addressing the police behavior. They are not talking about the bad officers.
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Commenter from 9th Precinct is calling for the officers to be more attentive to junk yard in his neighborhood. Bringing the neighborhood down, bringing his property value down. Officers are not doing their job.
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Aside: From my perspective, Darryl Woods has been interrupting people directly. I don't like his vibe. He's visibly nasty to the commenters.
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A public commenter called out the male commissioners for shutting down Bernard when she asked about the police officer involved in the suicide. The commissioners are addressing that concern. Saying they didn't intend to silence her, just want to respect family of the deceased.
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Male commenter: More commissioners should do public engagement. People don't like to come to the Safety Headquarters. Get out and let people know that they have the opportunity to express concerns about DPD and the ways they can do so.
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Same commenter saying he thinks it's a shame that more officers don't live inside the city. Announcement: Bernard says to review website. Policy Committee will be recommending new policies. Wants public to read them, be aware of how they are steering policy forward.
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New business: Board to consider administrative leave without pay issue. Move to go into closed session. Motioned, approved. 4 minute recess.
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They're still in closed session. I'm just kinda hanging out on Zoom til they're back....
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They're discussing two matters concerning officer conduct and whether they will move forward with putting them on "administrative leave without pay".
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(but still in closed session!)
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They're out of closed session. Roll call. Woods, Bernard, Smith, Banks, Bale, Burton, Moore, Hernandez, Pressley
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They're going into closed session to consider case of Administrative Leave without Pay: Badge 3284, 8th Precinct.

Agency Information

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners

The Board of Police Commissioners has supervisory control and oversight of the Police Department, including plenary authority over citizen complaints and the power to appoint fact finders, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. The Board also appoints a civilian as Director of Police Personnel and approves all promotions made by the Chief. The 11 member board is comprised of 7 elected members from each city council district and 4 members appointed by the Mayor.

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