Amendment passed to increase fine of assault on EMTs
Good morning! I’ll be live-tweeting the Committee on Public Safety meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m.
09:50 AM Jan 30, 2023 CST
Chairperson Taliaferro calls the meeting to order. Roll call to establish a quorum is underway.
14 members are present. A quorum has been reached. No public comments. Rule 45 report passed.
One item on the agenda. The amendment of the municipal code regarding rules for private ambulances and assault against emergency workers.
City Council members are concerned about the increase in attacks on Chicago Fire Department EMTs.
Ald. Napolitano & Ald. Lopez blamed attacks on paramedics for the lack of CPD officers to provide support. The amendment to the municipal code increases the fine for assaulting a first responder.
Chairperson Taliaferro motions for passage of the amendment. Motion seconded. With no further business before the committee, the meeting is now adjourned.
The Committee on Public Safety meeting ends at 10:38 a.m. This ends my coverage for @chidocumenters find more information through Michelle Meyer’s notes at