Live reporting by
Benjamin Haddix
With mixed reaction from residents, City Council approved 35-year contracts with DTE Energy and Lightstar Renewables for solar generation in the Greenfield Park and Houston-Whittier neighborhoods. Councilmember Angela Whitfield Calloway objected. Pro Tem James Tate was asbent.
Hello! I’ll be live tweeting the Detroit City Council meeting at 10am for #DETDocumenters. Media Partners: @DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @Michigan_Public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit
08:59 AM Jan 14, 2025 CST

Council member Waters is speaking to honor and thank Tamara Liberty Smith for her work – a police commissioner for District 1

Here is a link to today's agenda:……

A couple commenters bringing resolutions toward Detroit divesting from Israel and other apartheid states involved in genocides

Some discussion about contracts with predatory towing companies. It appears that a contract with "Gotcha" towing company in particular, which was referenced in this regard by a commenter, is on the agenda in two weeks.

Lots of commenters there in-person today and lot of discussion about people who expressed being disposed of their homes. One commenter just referenced being unfairly pushed out of his home for solar farm construction.

The council say they will be talking about the solar farms impact on individuals' properties later on the agenda.

A commenter calling in just spoke on behalf of a grocery store clerk she was talking to who said her building has no heat and most residents are mothers and their babies– the commenter said she would take her story to city council.

… It's a beautiful thing to do, looking out for someone you only just are meeting like that.

Commenter references more equitable models of solar projects that benefit residents: the Highland park Soulardarity project, and the incentivizing residents to have panels on their roofs.

I have not heard of this but here is a link to Soulardarity's website:

Frequent commenter Marguerite Maddox is sharing. Here is a great article that highlights one of Detroit's more involved civic participants:……

Someone from the law department is now speaking to a commenter from earlier whose comments regarding specific injustices he felt were happening around his property tax ended with him being asked to leave due to disruption. I don't believe the individual is in the room anymore…

…but the rep from the law department is reflecting details of the individual's specific property tax situation. It seems unusual to get into the specifics of someone's business like this, regardless of whether that person initiated the discussion.

In terms of line item 17.2, on the conversion of an industrial building into apartments at 6051 Hastings, and representative of the project clarifies that the proposed development will not have 20% afforable units, but rather 14.7% affordable units…

… and he suggests this change was due to neighborhood residents preferring it this way, as it reflects something about the local AMI…

Some discussion now with a representative from some related department (not sure) who is responding to a commenter from earlier who felt that they were being forced to leave his home for construction of a solar field…

…and that a good faith offer was not made relative to his specific property situation. The rep argues that the individual has recourse to dispute but has not done that. Council member Johnson articulates concern that individuals may not have access to means of recourse.

Discussion about the emotional contours of buying (repossessing? …not sure what the operative word is here) property for the solar fields, and how residents have varying degrees of understanding of their rights within this situation.

Council member Calloway objects to line items 20.11, 20.13, 20.24, and 20.42 after a discussion regarding these millions of dollars given for POSSIBLE abatements in the demolition process. She articulated discomfort with the abstractness of these expenses.

The logic from the department rep for these extra expenses for POSSIBLE abatements is that it would allow them to make decisions more quickly regarding demolition processes, and NOT to continually have to bring additional costs to city council for approval…

… it sounds nice, but it seems to forget part of the purpose of city council – to ensure that tax payer dollars are being spent responsibly and with respect to a democratic decision making process.

Some discussion regarding line item 20.68 regarding installation of 75 light poles holding cameras (to be used by the DPD) and solar panels. The cameras, apparently, would be to monitor activities on freeways, rather than residential areas.

Next coffee hour with the city council is next Monday at Detroit's Finest III Coney Island at 13337 E. Jefferson

This concludes my coverage of the Detroit City Council meeting. Learn more about our coverage of local meetings here:

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