Live reporting by
Heather Alder
DDOT is accepting contract proposals to provide same day service for riders who qualify for ADA service. Currently those riders must book at least one day in advance. Proposals are due by Sept. 9 and the service will be paid for with a federal grant.
Grand Risings #Detroit I am live TODAY @ 10AM to document the Local Advisory Council (LAC) meeting 4 D-DOT 4- #DetroitDocumenters @DetDocumenters & media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit
05:39 AM Aug 20, 2024 CDT
More information on the Detroit Department of Transportation Can be found on their website……
More information on the meeting and how to attend virtually is found here- B back in a couple hours!!!……
IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
Chair person Andre Bryant call meeting to order- Roll Call-
District 5 & 6 members I heard say present Chair is District 1, Anita and Rick Spivy present.
A bit of confusion on who is present (maybe muted) ?…previous meeting minutes approved.
The chair Andre Bryant had ? About D DOT headquarters location moving to be more accessible. Michael Staley advised they are staying at loc 100 Mack
D DOT was asked about the process for paratransport application. D DOT advised application requires document from health care providers (speaker TaNisha Roby audio breaking up)-
Also asked how long to get an answer for the request…advised 3-4 weeks. Michael Staley help reiterated as Roby’s audio still an issue.
Sabrina Rice concern of the council being notified of meetings as “an afterthought “. Staley said he asked notification to be sent out a week in advance. But they didn’t get til yesterday. ADA Coordinator Rambus advised Otis a process and as soon as they had link they sent out.
Meeting yesterday for Pre Bid of same day service- Interim Director Staley advised Meeting went well. Funding received for people to get same day service instead of the advanced reservation needed now. Sept 9th pricing proposals due.
D DOT asked if they explored voucher program with Uber etc..such as. Chicago has- Was advised the passenger price is less the with this service $2.50 per trip…Waa advised Chicago’s PACE program would cost more.
Member Rice advised friends in Chicago advise they average $3 per ride but they can go further. Beneficial to the riders-many people have to go to suburbs which isn’t an option. Wants them to work with them to make the paratransit system work for the passengers.
Interim Director Staley advised council of improvements since he became Director- Same day trips was what he heard from the community. “To state DDOT did not talk to people in the disabled Communities is inaccurate .”
Assistant Director of Operations Andre Mallet. - they are hiring Transit operators. That was all. Paratransit report with Marcus Garrett next
Correction DeMarcus Garrett- 12 complaints -10 valid- 1 unavoidable accident. Want to provide people more opportunities to reach them. Next schedule and Service Steve Partrinick
Discussed time tables and improvements as well as service changes for bus routes. Public hearing soon to collect public comments.
ADA Coordinator Scharron Rambus advised of monitoring they did and the findings of needed repairs or needed signage. 10 valid complaints. Paratransit had no denials of any applications.
No old business- New Business back to Mr Rambus- introduced Erica Alexander to discuss Peoplemover-
Track improvement project 9/3-11/19 . Pause service for that duration- no people mover service as of 9/3- to make any public comments until 8/31
Next Jill Cahoon - consulting company AECOM-looking at options to coordinated public transit and Human Services-
Khalil Davis works in projects and leads gave his contact info advised maybe a year long process for Mobility For All Plan- 4 counties. Grants for suppliers next spring.
Rochella Stewart- Dist 7 wants no/low emission paratransit
Next- Mr Cunningham- meetings need to be hybrid not just virtual.
Next Marguerite Maddox-asked about training if operators for lowering the ramp- Mr Mallett advised brand new young workforce - in process of driver enhancement training for ADA processes and concerns.
Linda from Ombudsman office- asked Steve Patrinick about pull out times and school causing increases of route times & if they considered that when posting new routes? Advised “absolutely “ that’s why they increased buses during people times. Discussed with the schools too.
Robert Palowski- transit advocate- Concern- engagement process for meetings We need more engagements and meetings. Council should be able to meet monthly or bimonthly to improve system.
Next Raynard supports no/no emission paratransit. High pollution - electric or hybrid vehicles would help passengers and their health issues.
Next public comments- Steve - glad same day service coming …
Next Betty Varner - born & raised Detroiters- new to disability community- Thanked city for the improvements & the need to continue improvements.
Next meeting November 19th (day before the holiday—aka My Birthday!) Meeting now ADJORNED.
AGAIN- IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
That concludes the coverage of the local Advisory Council for the Detroit DOT. Until Next Time Detroit! For more coverage of your cities government meetings go to