Live reporting by
Lauren Sheperd
Alders approve multiple zoning ordinances
Good morning, Chicago! Today, I'm live tweeting the committee meeting on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards starting at 10 a.m. for @city_bureau @CHIdocumenters. Here's the agenda:……
08:20 AM Jan 23, 2024 CST

The link for the meeting is LIVE, though we are still waiting for it to begin.

The meeting has officially been called to order. It is the first meeting of the year, so the chair is reading out the rules of conduct.

Ald. Harris will attend the meeting remotely. The committee has reached a quorum.

The report and minutes from the last meeting have been approved.

Multiple agenda items are being deferred to another meeting unanimously.

The first (and only) public commenter is speaking: he is claiming one of the Aldermen is turned around, talking to someone else, and distracting him.

The public commenter is continuously moving away from the microphone. However, he is expressing his frustrations of a lack of representation of the people by alderpeople.

This agenda item comes straight from Mayor Johnson on changes in building codes for the entire city.

Some amendments: -- clarifies provisions for contractors -- clarifies exceptions to obtain licenses for non-building structures -- new amendments to rules on casinos and secure zones in airports -- and more

John DeMico (Plumber's Union): Stands by the amendments and claims no knowledge of opposition to the proposed amendments.

Ald. Moore (17): Is there anything in here (proposed amendments) that's controversial and should be of concern to committee members?

Ald. Moore is asking for clarification on some points. If there are new owners, specifically in high-rise building, they will need to add sprinklers for fire safety.

For new construction, there will need to be a general contractor.

Certain landscape elements (benches, rocks, etc.) didn't need a building permit as of 2019. This exception is to be put back in.

This ordinance will have less permit fees. However, the ordinance is revenue neutral for the city.

In the new code, Ballards will be included and businesses won't need permits. These help will pedestrian and building safety from cars.

However, on public infrastructure, this issue would go to CDOT.

The code is now updated for the addition of casinos into Chicago. This deals with floor area per person based on fire safety, exits and restroom requirements. This decreases capacity allowed at the casino.

Ald. Hopkins (2): questions on sprinkler requirements in high-rise residential buildings before 1975. These requirements will only change if a significant amount of rehab is happening to the building.

Next agenda item: Amendment of Municipal Code Titles 2 and 4 regarding licensing of apprentice plumbers, plumbers, and plumbing contractors.

Fits in with the prior ordinance. No questions from Alderpeople.

Next up: large signs. There will be 17 signs discussed across the city. The orders have passed unanimously.

Next item: Planned Development 882 to DC-16 Downtown Core District (Ward 34).

Patrick Murphy (Dept. of Planning): How to address reuse in regard to this building. Moving this planned development should address security concerns. Passed unanimously.

Next up: Planned Development 1302 to B3-5 Community Shopping District in Ward 43.

Ald. Knudsen is requesting a change to a shopping district. Originally, this lot was meant to be a hotel (2016) but this ordinance expired in 2021.

Next up: To de-designate as a Pedestrian Street a segment of the North Milwaukee right of way from the centerline of North Gresham Avenue and North Drake Avenue on the southeast and the centerline of North Central Park Avenue on the northwest (35 Ward).

Ald. Ramirez-Rosa: A bank is seeking to re-establish operation (closed during COVID) and continue with the drive-thru ATM that is already there.

A Logan Square preservation organization is in favor. The item has passed.

Next up: To permit the construction of a 53 story building with 587 residential dwelling units and approximately 10,000 sq.ft. of retail commercial and amenity space at the ground floor. The total project FAR will be 8.1 and 440 accessory parking spaces will be provided (27).

Ald. Bernet is in support of the project saying community members have been involved in the discussion and there has been a community meeting.

This figure will include a huge amount of public open space -- close to 12,000 sq ft of open-to-sky area.

$4.2 million of the money from this project goes into the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund. The item has passed.

Next up: DX-12, Downtown Mixed-Use District to DX-16, Downtown Mixed-Use District in order to allow the conversion of commercial space to residential.

This is in the 4th Ward. There is a letter of approval from Ald. Robinson. No changes are being made to the building aside from conversions from vacant commercial space to residential space. This item has passed.

Next up: C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial District and C1-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to DX-7 Downtown Mixed Use District and then to a Residential Business Planned Development (Ward 27).

This is to allow for the construction of a hotel with approximately 143 keys, 219’6” feet in height, FAR of 11.5, with commercial and accessory uses.

All records from the previous meeting will be incorporated to add context for this meeting.

An extra $1 million will go to the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund and will create many construction jobs. It will be the first carbon neutral hotel project in the city, and has been thoroughly discussed with community members.

Here's some information on the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund (NOF):……

Next up: Planned Development 1320 to Planned Development 1320, as amended to add lodging as a permitted use and modify the open space site plan (Ward 34).

This matter was heard by the CPC, and the records of that meeting will be incorporated into this meeting.

Lodging: limited number of hotel rooms and short term rentals (less than 30 days) Open space: green space, basketball court, etc.

Floors 5-8 would be used as hotel rooms. The typical uses are corporate and family travelers. For each hotel room created, one residential will be taken away. Nothing will be changing within the building. The number of affordable units will stay the same.

Next up: 3-2 Community Shopping District to B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed Use District to allow for the subdivision of one zoning lot into fourteen individual zoning lots in order to construct fourteen single family residential buildings (Ward 11).

There has been favorable response from community members in the ward and there is a letter of support from the alderwoman. This property has been vacant for a long time.

Next up: RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to C1-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to establish a general restaurant (Ward 25).

Next up: B3-2 Community Shopping District to B2-5 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District to onvert from 9 to 12 dwelling units by adding 3 new dwelling units (Ward 25).

Parking will be eliminated and replaced with bike parking. The lot is also very close to public transit. The Alderman supports this project.

Next up: RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to POS-3 Open Space or Natural Area for community use.

Next up: RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to RM5 Residential Multi-Unit District to construct a new 4 story residential building with 4 dwelling units, 4 bicycle spaces and 3 surface parking spaces (Ward 25).

Next up: RM4.5, Residential Multi-Unit District to RM6Residential Multi-Unit District to add four additional dwelling units for a total of eight dwelling units on the subject property (Ward 25).

Next up: RS3 Residential Single Unit (Detached House) District to RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to convert the current two dwelling units to three dwelling units. There is aldermanic and community support.

Next up: M1-1 Limited Manufacturing District to C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to open a family style general restaurant with live entertainment and liquor (Ward 37).

Next up: C1-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District to create a new 5 story mixed use building with ground floor commercial space and residential dwelling units above (Ward 40).

40 residential units and 19 parking units would be included in this property. The applicant already owns the immediate properties to the east and west. The property is very close to the Francisco Brown Line.

Next up: RS-2 Residential Single Unit (Detached House) District to RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to create a two-story, two dwelling unit with basement and two car garage (Ward 20).

The developments will be two contemporary single family homes. These would be on the two remain vacant parcels on the block.

Another item is related and included: RS-2 Residential Single Unit (Detached House) District to RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to create two-story, two dwelling unit with basement and two car garage (Ward 20).